Advertising is all about creativity and it is the backbone of any organization or brand. It is the process of creating a strong brand or image and converting potential customers to buyers. Many organizations or brands have been creative in various ways; using conceptual advertising to make sure their ads are effective enough in the conversion of sales for their business.
Conceptual advertising is a mix of creativity and artistic ideas to form mind-blowing advertisements. This separates strong brands from start-ups and other brands, in other words, brand leaders. If you have a brand or a small business, knowing how to mix creativity and artistry to create wonderful and high converting ads will be very instrumental to your brand and businesses.
The fastest and easiest way to get a message across to your potential customers is through advertising. That is the more reason fortune 500 companies and brands try their best to make their advertisements unique, catchy and captivating. Whether they are placing these ads on TV, radio, print, or social media, the ads must be top notch, attractive and appealing to the customers for it to convert.
Best Creative Advertisement Examples
Creating concepts from real events relating to our daily lives is a more efficient way to make your conceptual ads effective. But there are certain subjects that are more sensitive than others. Subjects that have to do with the negative side of life should be approached with more sensitivity than funny aspects of life. Some of the characteristics of good conceptual ads is the fact that it needs to catch the interest of your audience, it must be relevant, retentive, credible with continuity for it to be successful. They have to trigger the emotions of your audience in an exciting way for them to remember it. Some emotionally related ads fall into certain categories such as disgust, fear, humour, anger, and sex.
In this article, we will be sharing 50 Conceptual Advertising, which will help inspire you with creative ways to create your own personal advertising concepts. This list will be both entertaining and interesting to you. Check it out below.
Berger Paint (Natural Finish Colours)
Berger paint’s conceptual advertising framework here is to show how natural their paints blend with the environment. From the picture below, you see that the painter roles on the colour which blends nicely with the sky. It is just a way to tell customers that Berger paint colours have a natural finish.
Domestic Violence (Amnesty International)
Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization that fights against domestic violence and for human rights worldwide. The concept behind this advert is awareness creation for domestic violence in marriages. The man and wife can be seen wearing their wedding outfit (suit and bridal gown), but rather than happy moments, it is violent. This concept is to play with the emotions of the audience because a wedding signifies a joyous moment rather than a violent or angry one.
Snow Bed (
This is a subtle but deep conceptual advertising framework. This ad is for a charity for homeless people across England, Wales and Scotland. The idea behind the advert is to put the audience in the shoes of homeless people and back to reality, which triggers the mind to help. Imagine sleeping under the snow as a homeless person and compare with how others live. This is definitely emotional.
Cellucom Wife – Conceptual Advertising Photography
Using mobile phones while driving can be detrimental to you in every way. One of the major causes of accidents in the US is distracted driving and this advertising concept is to correct this ill in people. In the picture, a man is seen talking to a woman on the phone. The woman pictured in the ad depicts that the man is distracted and more concentrated on his conversation rather than the road.
Egg Campaign (Sedex Express Courier Service)
The ad was designed for Sedex Express Courier Service and the idea behind this advertising concept is fast delivery to customers. The logic here is that you get your stuff delivered as fast as the egg yolk pours out of the egg shells. It is deep and colourful.
Ink for Blood (Reporters without Borders)
This is a touching conceptual advert for Reporters without Borders for press freedom. It is a campaign for public interest and NGOs and to make sure reporters gain access to conflict zones without any harm, hence the theme or caption “Ink should flow when blood flows”.
Titanic (Komatsu Wheel Loader)
The ad was designed for Komatsu, a Japanese multinational corporation. They specialize in the manufacture of mining, industrial, construction, forestry equipment, and more. The ad shows how powerful their wheel loader machines can be, especially when it comes to lifting a heavy load. The Komatsu Wheel Loader can be seen lifting what seems to be the long sunken Titanic. The concept signifies strength and durability.
Living Cocktail (Bugsy’s Bar)
Bugsy’s bar living cocktail advertising concept is awesome. The ad is designed by Saatchi & Saatchi in Czechia (Czech Republic). It features two ladies holding hands wrapped in cloths creating a cocktail glass form with fruit covered heads. The idea here is that customers will always get fresh cocktails from Bugsy’s Bar.
Tobacco Costs A Car – Clever Print Advertisements
This is an advertising concept that is aimed at showing the audience, most especially smokers what they spend on cigarettes. The crashed car with fire and ashes implies that money on smoking cigarettes can buy a car.
Lunch Bar – Concepts Of Advertising To A Target Audience
This is another fine conceptual advertising by Cadbury. This is a scary but simple ad that shows how much their new ‘Lunch Bar Man Size’ chocolate bar can feel customers. In the ad, the shark is used to signify the consumers because a shark eats a lot to fill up its stomach. This will definitely influence your own ideas.
Hair Styling – Creative Advertising Ideas
Timotei used this advertising concept to advertise their hair products. In the image, a Lion can be seen with curly and well-styled hair, meaning the product will work for any hair type and strength.
Face Recognition (Lenovo)
Lenovo used this concept to advertise their new face recognition feature on smartphones and computers. The concept of the ad is a man who inserts his head where he is supposed to enter the password. It is a simple logic with details of what to expect from Lenovo.
Nikon S60 – AD Campaign Presentation
Nikon went for something horrific but at the same time informative. The Nikon S60 advertising concept shows how sharp the camera lens is with so much clarity hence capturing ghost activities in the room. It is a classy one!
Don’t Drink & Drown (Royal Life Saving)
The concept of this ad is to reduce the rate at which people drink and drown at parties and many other places with water. Most adult drowning deaths are alcohol-related, that is why this advertisement depicts a drowning adult in a glass of beer. The main point is for people not to drink too much enough to drown in water.
Predator Swimsuit – Clever Print Advertisements
The predator swimsuit ad is Arena’s way of promoting their swimsuits. Tagged water instinct, it shows a diver in the waters swimming behind a shark meaning the swimsuit is the best for underwater diving.
After Whisky, Driving Risky
A unique and colourful way to promote anti-drinking and driving. It is simple with a bottle in bandage with a touch of red which signifies blood. It is classic!
Fly (WMF Knives) – Advertisement Ideas
The fly ad is just a concept to show how sharp WMF Grand Gourmet Knife is with a damasteel blade. In the ad, a fly is seen cut in two after falling on the sharp edge of the knife.
Eye Bank – How To Present Creative Work
Eye bank is an initiative in India that helps people with corneal eye blindness. Donors can donate their eyes to the non-profit organization after their deaths. So the ad shows two perspectives of people with and without eyes.
HelpAge India – Active Directory Concepts
This ad is aimed towards the elderly and it was designed and used during valentine’s day. It shows two walking sticks put together to form a heart-shape. Meaning the elderly people also need to be shown love and compassion.
Nikon S60: Forest – Advertising Concept Examples
This is another Nikon ad concept that shows how sharp their new camera lens can capture moments. In the ad, the camera is seen highlighting six different life forms in the forest behind the main person in the foreground.
Wildlife SOS Ad – Creative Advertising Ideas
Wildlife SOS is an ad that focuses on saving endangered animals in the wild. By saving paper, people will also save these animals. The ad shows animals made from paper on the floor and in a waste bin indicating how animals are affected by the trees cut down to produce papers.
Crop Protection Advertisement
Crop protection is an initiative by Bayer CropScience an Indian company. It is geared towards showing how committed the company is in the innovation of crop traits and productivity.
Rohan Builders Ad Campaign Presentation
This ad was created for Rohan Builders in India. It aimed at promoting a new residential complex which did not involve cutting down any trees. Instead many trees were planted in the spaces meant for construction to kick against deforestation.
Meissen Porcelain – Active Directory Concepts
After 300 years of Meissen Porcelain, the German company decided to create an eternally beautiful ad that appeals to the people with a simple and direct connection. In the ad, a Meissen Porcelain is seen in the foreground with fireworks in the background signifying that it is the best when it comes to decorating your home or garden.
Pole Vault (S.A Rugby) – Commercial Concept
The rugby pole concept was created to show support for South African athletes and SASCOC during their bid for the Common Wealth Games in Delhi, 2010 Youth Olympics, and 2012 Olympics in London. The ad shows rugby players helping a female pole vaulter to achieve her goal. This indicates support for each other.
Wrecking Ball (Cafe Rico)
This campaign is aimed towards promoting Cafe Rico but the idea behind it is a wrecking ball that doesn’t wake up a man from sleep. This means Cafe Rico’s coffee is your wake up call.
Dish Jacuzzi – Advertising Message Examples
Nikol baking dish used this ad campaign to promote their high-quality cooking utensils. In the ad, a chicken is placed like a human in a Jacuzzi of stew. This shows how well their baking utensils will treat your food.
Anti Animal Cruelty Campaign
This ad campaign is another concept in advertising. It appears to be a football pitch with a ball ready to be shot into the goal post. But a closer look reveals the football as a dog, this means advocating for people to stop treating animals badly. All football lovers can relate to this ad.
Brighton English Language Campaign
The ad was created to help create awareness for people who do not know how to speak fluent English. So the campaign basically is how to help fix our broken English, which is represented by the Word English that is broken but tied up with yellow tape.
Foot Odor – How To Present Creative Work
This ad campaign was created for Ephydrol to promote their new foot odour product. In the ad, you can see a military man holding his sock like a hand grenade meaning foot odour can be very dangerous. The concept is awesome and explains the message deeply.
Insurance – Advertising Message Slogans
Life insurance is very important and it helps the future generation get by when they lose their loved ones (parents). In this ad campaign for BCAA, a baby is seen driving his baby car in yellow cab colours. This shows he is moving smoothly even when loved ones are no more. The reads, How Would They Get By Without You? That’s deep!
Little Hoarse – Catchy Advertisement
In this ad, a man can be seen with his mouth wide open as a horse’s mouth comes out of it, you can only imagine the pain. This is a dental ad showing you that you can escape such mouth horrors by seeing a dentist. Nice one!
Leica Shop Mountain Advertisement Ideas
Want to get cameras with anti-shake image stabilization? Here’s how Leica Shop advertises there products.
Flea & Tick Spray Catchy Advertisement
Frontline flea and tick spray used this conceptual ad to show how these parasites affect your pets and what you need to get them off.
Give A Hand To Wildlife
This nice concept is simple and straightforward. The aim is to let people know they can give a helping hand to wildlife.
US Preventive Plan – Clever Print Advertisements
This ad concept is aimed at eliminating the fear of the unknown in US citizens. By knowing your health risks, you won’t be scared as much after all.
Sensodyne – Concepts Of Advertising To A Target Audience
Are your teeth sensitive? Sensodyne gets rid of tooth bacteria that affects you, which can be seen in this creative ad.
Baygon Timeline Advertisement Ideas
Well, if you still have doubts about how well Baygon works for insects, then this timeline ad, has a lot to show you in terms of how powerful it is.
Sweden Fish (WWF) – Conceptual Advertising Photography
The Baltic sea has endangered fishes. So this ad is advocating against fishing activities in the Baltic.
Lightpen (Philips) – Winter Advertising Slogans
Apparently, with Philips new lightpen, you can design the light you need for different occasions.
Greenpeace Elephant – Conceptual Advertising
Nuclear energy is great but its adverse effect on the human race and every creature on earth is greater. This ad says it all, “you and your children can get used to it, but you don’t have to”.
Samsung Washing Machine
Don’t know how to go about washing your clothes and sports wears to get rid of dirt? Samsung washing machine through this ad shows how powerful and effective its washing machine is.
Make Big Fast (Comcast) Advertisement
Comcast shows how fast big can move with their ad, but this relates to data and telecommunications.
HIV Awareness (One Life Couch)
This is a stunning ad concept by One Life-TM, geared towards creating awareness on the need for people to get tested for HIV. It basically interprets the fact that, when people engage in sexual activities with the opposite sex, they also sleep with each other’s past life. Meaning, if both parties were infected with any STDs, they’d pass it on to each other so its best to know your status.
Mars Truck Size Advertisement Ideas
Mars through this truck ad concept promoted their new truck size chocolate bar. This looks really yummy!
Raid Spiderman Advert
This brilliant ad concept shows how effective Raid is even on your favourite superhero Spiderman. What a concept!
Greenpeace: What You Eat
Well, if you still don’t know what you eat, Greenpeace came up with this ad concept to make you think twice. Know what you eat because genetically modified plants could have adverse effects on you.
Bare Wetsuit Advertisement Design Ideas
If you love ocean diving and intend to spend a lot of time underwater, you need the best wetsuit to keep your skin fresh from saltwater. This is exactly what Bare Wetsuits Prune created in this ad.
Prison Sponsorship (Association Ban Public)
This ad is awareness creation for prison sponsorship by Association Ban Public. It is a rehabilitation program to help prisoners become better people.
Scotch Brite Catchy Advertisement Examples
Tired of burning your hands while baking in the oven? Scotch Brite created this ad concept to promote its durable and strong kitchen gloves.
Advertising is all about being creative with your ideas to get your target audience. The more an advertisement appeals to the consumer or audience the better for your brand and product. I believe these 50 Conceptual Advertising ideas will help you create something fantastic for your next project or clients. Follow our page, leave your comments and stay tuned for more updates.